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Pre-requisites and high-level installation steps

In order to deploy the TOTP MCF plugin, you’ll need to have a functioning installation of FMoP 7.4+ running on a supported application server.

The TOTP plugin installation tasks involves 3 high-level steps:

  • Create the configuration file c-config-acsp_totp.xml
  • Update the configuration file c-config-acsp.xml
  • Copy the MCF plugin .jar file to the lib folder of the AdaptiveAuthentication.war application

These steps are documented in this section.

Configuration file c-config-acsp_totp.xml

In the rsa/configs folder of each FMoP server, create a file called c-config-acsp_totp.xml and insert the content shown below.

TOTP configuration parameters are:

Parameter Name Description
max_totp_instances_per_user The max number of TOTP instances that can be assigned to a user - Default 1.
acceptance_window_intervals OTP codes falling in the time tolerance window (to cater for clock skew) will be accepted - Default 0.
allow_totp_reuse Indicates whether an OTP can be re-used for multiple authentication attempts, if set to true. Defaults to false.
max_failures Max number of failed OTP answers (authenticate method calls) before a TOTP instance will be disabled. Default 3.

In FMoP “config” folder, add a file named “c-config-acsp_totp.xml” with the following content:

	<bean class="com.rsa.csd.mcf.acsp.generic.GenericAcspType"
		<property name="stringVal">
		<property name="implClass">
		<property name="implFactory">
		<property name="isSync">
		<property name="configuration">
			<ref bean="totpConfiguration"/>
		<property name="authLevel">
		<property name="sessionTimeOut">
		<property name="shouldCreAsFraud">
	<bean class="com.passmarksecurity.config.bean.ClassFreeBean"
		<property name="parameters">
				<entry key="max_totp_instances_per_user">
				<entry key="acceptance_window_intervals">
				<entry key="allow_totp_reuse">
				<entry key="max_failures">
	<bean class="com.rsa.csd.mcf.acsp.AcspMetaData"
		<property name="acspType">
			<ref bean="TOTP_TYPE"/>
		<property name="acspStatusString">
		<property name="clientManaged">
		<property name="billFlag">
	<bean class="com.rsa.csd.mcf.acsp.generic.GenericMetadataListEntry"
		<property name="metadata">
			<ref bean="TOTP_METADATA"/>
		<property name="factory">

Update configuration file c-config-acsp.xml

Edit the In the c-config-acsp.xml file and in the “metadatalist” property, add a line as follows:


Copy MCF plugin jar file

Copy the TOTP MCF plugin TOTPMCFPlugin-jar-with-dependencies.jar file to the the WEB-INF/lib folder of the AdaptiveAuthentication application. For example, in the case of a Tomcat deployment, copy the file to the webapps\AdaptiveAuthentication\WEB-INF\lib folder.

Restart the application server

After implementing the above changes, restart the FMoP application server.